CUO organizes a seminar on the occasion of Ram Lalla Pran Pratistha at Ayodhya

The Central University of Odisha organized a Seminar on ‘Bharatiya Rama Sahitya Parampara ka Punarmulyankan’  on 22 January 2024 in the University campus on the occasion of Ram Lalla Pran Pratistha at Ayodhya. Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor of the University Prof. Chakradhar Tripathi presided over the programme and delivered the presidential address through virtual mode. D.I.G. of Police (South Western Range), Koraput,  Shri Charan Singh Meena, IPS was the Chief Guest and Shri Manmohan Goyal, General Manager, NAD, Sunabeda was the Guest of Honour on the occasion. Other dignitaries present on the dais were Prof. Narasingh Charan Panda, Registrar Incharge of Central University of Odisha, Prof. Vibhash Chandra Jha, Consultant, Academic and Administration, CUO and The Controller of Examinations of CUO Dr. Prashant Kumar Meshram. The Programme was coordinated by Prof. Hemraj Meena, Chairman, Hindi Sansthan of CUO.

Prof. Chakradhar Tripathi, in his presidential address hailed the auspicious day and said that the reevaluation of the Holy Ramayan is need of the hour. In the present context, whenever political turmoil occurs at international level, the states see India for help, because of India’s ethos of morality and high quality ethics. The literature of Ramayan is followed not only in India, but in many countries throughout the world. That’s why we should focus on proliferation and circulation of Ramayan literature at international level. India’s Mantra of coexistence and correlation is unique all over the world. It is due to the ideology of Ramayan and its characters Lord Rama, Sita and others, he said.

Shri Charan Singh Meena also hailed the day and said it is a proud moment for India and the Indians. The Philosophy of Ramayan is not confined to Hinduism only, but the ideology is followed by people irrespective of their caste, creed or religion, he said. The Ramayan literature is unique in its character. Prof. N.C.Panda focused on the philosophy of Ramayan era and its impact on the later period of India including the Buddism and Hinduism. Ramayan literature is important because it says about the unification of society, not division of society, as mentioned in other literature. Its uniqueness lies in unity and sacrifice, which Lord Rama showed to the world. The sacrifice concept of Buddhism may be followed from Ramayana, he said.

Prof. V. C.Jha, in his speech said that the Ramayana literature is like an ocean and we just know few of its meaning and its thematic values. We have to explore more on the Ramayana literature and more research is required. The Ramayana era shows us three important concepts, discipline, administration and respect to each other. We should follow these principles. Shri Manmohan Goyal said that the prestige of the nation enhanced at international level after today’s event. Ramayana is not an epic, but part and parcel of our life and lifestyle, he said. Dr. Meshram said that it is essential for reevaluation of Ramayan literature because Lord Rama is the symbol of Indian culture and tradition.  Other dignitaries spoke on the occasion were Dr. Rudrani Mohanty, Head, Odia Department and Dr. Prasenjeet Sinha, Asst. Professor of English. They also highlighted the importance of Ramayana literature in the present context. Dr. Chakradhar Padhan, HoD, Hindi Department, proposed the Vote of Thanks.

After the Seminar, a cultural programme was organized, on the theme of Ramayana literature, coordinated by Dr. Kakoli Banerjee, Asst. Professor of Biodiversity. In the programme, the students showed their talents by performing various programmes on Lord Rama and other characters of Ramayana. The Programme was organized under the coordination of Prof. Hemraj Meena, Dr. Rudrani Mohanty, Dr. Nirjarini Tripathy, Dr. Chakradhar Padhan and Dr. Kakoli Banerjee. The programme was attended by all faculty members, staff, students and research scholars of the University in large numbers.

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