Divyang Child gets New Hope

Divine’s Grace is realised in number of ways .This little child at Lula in Dasmantpur block has a problem with his legs and hence is unable to walk .When we had been to the village to interact with children on maximising child participation as a right of each child , this child too was sitting in the hall .He was crawling by dragging his legs on the floor .We learnt that he was the son of the night watchman of the panchayat building .The child was of 11 years and doctors had advised him for operation and he was not sure to have it .Thanks to Durga Mahanty of Ekta Koraput who was there with us .He asked the parent to allow the child to be taken care of at the Divyang physiotherapy centre at Duruguda in Koraput being managed by the organisation for a couple of months .He will get the required service at free of cost including his lodging & boarding .The parent agreed and now the child will be taken care of experts .All along the conversation , the child was happy .He was asking if he will have good food , clothes and friends to play .He said to me that he wanted to walk like other children in the streets of the village , wants to collect mangoes and so on .I couldn’t stop tears of gratitude to Mr.Mahanty and their organisation EKTA for the prompt response .

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