Everything is Political for Political Parties till 2024

Dear friends ! Till 2024 its election time .Political parties will appoint president , secretary and other office bearers from the state to the ward level to execute their plans to win the elections .Hence it’s purely a political game .There is no reason to feel happy to see even our friends and relations to get some post in the party at this juncture when everything is politics .If we are followers of a particular political party where our friend become a leader , then as a member of the party we may congratulate him/her .Or else there is no reason to feel happy as our friend will be made busy by the party to do it’s work through him and his popularity in the society . Let’s ask our friend if he could make things better for the locality using his/her position at this crucial time .Let’s appreciate if he could .We need to be careful listeners to the speeches made even by our friends who speak as the post holder in the party .They speak on behalf of the party and rarely otherwise . Let’s clap only when the parties recall their positive actions for the public rather than throw number of assurances .Its the time when assurances , sugar coated words float even on the roads .We need to be careful or else we will continue to fall prey to the game of falsehood .regards , Santakar

koraput , Odisha , India

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