How a voter could protect himself from the social media campaign by political parties on the Eve of elections !

How a voter could protect himself from the social media campaign by political parties on the Eve of elections !

As a voter, there are several ways to protect oneself from the social media campaign by political parties on the eve of elections. Firstly, one can verify the authenticity of the information provided by political parties before believing and sharing it with others. Secondly, it is important to follow multiple sources of information and cross-check the facts before forming an opinion. Thirdly, one should be wary of sensationalized and polarizing content that may be designed to create emotional reactions. Lastly, one can also limit the amount of time spent on social media during the election period to avoid being overwhelmed by information overload. By following these steps, one can make informed decisions and protect oneself from the influence of political campaigns on social media.

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