Lets put collective Effort

Dear friends ! Whenever people face a challenging situation in realising public services like health , education , livelihood , sanitation , environment and issues like supply of water & electricity in the town or village , they say immediately ” what these journalists are doing !” ( Today I faced such a question from a learned person ) .Thanks to them for having faith on journalists . Journalists too give their efforts to take up the issues when been informed by the people and also on their own where people remain silent on the face of suffering in other cases . However people too should share the public grievances to the concerned authorities directly or through their immediate public representatives starting from the ward member to the MP .They could also share the concerns by post or by using Twitter and Facebook accounts of the offices .May we share our public grievances with a Tweet tag like @dmkoraput , @cmo , @pmo etc .When more and more people share over the issue , I wonder if they would remain silent .Its the responsibility of the state government to provide the basic necessities of its citizen while governing people to share their responsibilities .For example , When we have problems with the newly designed system of electricity supply , billing and maintainance , while going to the immediate office of the supplier was needed , it was also equally needed to make the state accountable for engaging such a service provider and not monitoring implementation of the agreement between the state and the company .May we make our public representatives accountable for not raising public issues of the area and fight with the system of governance till delivery of the solution at grassroots .Advocates should take up issues in the legal front in the best interest of the public . Even if we have affinity with some political party in power / opposition or some politician individually , let’s take it as an opportunity and utilise the relation rather than remaining silent while the public issues were haunting the common man .May we ask at the end of the day if we were useful to the society during the entire day doing something for which we were not paid for and take pledge for the next day to do justice in realising the true reason of our existence .with regards , Santakar .

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