National Space Day at Govt. College, Koraput

Space is like a huge ocean that never ends, and it’s full of mysteries waiting to be solved! Here’s why space, satellites, and studying space are super important, said Sunil Biswal, welknown star gazer and space researcher from Koraput while interacting with students of Government College at Koraput on the occasion of celebrating National Space Day today. By studying space, we learn more about Earth and how to take care of it. Space has many secrets, like black holes, stars, and planets. Space research leads to new inventions and technologies that improve our daily lives.Space exploration encourages us to be curious, brave, and innovative, he added.

Students of the college took part in various competitions on the topics related to space research and were honoured by the college in a meeting today. Models of Chandrayan- 3 made by the students drew greater attention, Dipak Kumar Patnaik, principal of the college said. Students too expressed their aspirations to become space scientists in future and explore more possibilities of discoveries in the space, .,

Lets listen to Er. sunil Biswal

Lets listen Sri Dipak Patnaik, Principal, Govt. College, Koraput

Lets listen to one of the students who presented a model of spacecraft in the exhibition

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