No Child Can be a Zero

The team from Odisha travelling all across the Nation to spread the consciousness of Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga had reached Tirupati and had been to Paas Manovikash kendra , the school & hostel where our little champ Devanwesh is staying & learning to develop his capacities to translate his learning to physical functioning . The team had spent one hour with the children there , meditated with the children , played together and winessed their joyful expression . Devanwesh was also very happy to see some of the familiar face like Mira Apa and must have been grateful in the silent corners of his heart for their presence & sharing of Love . We express gratitude to The Mother for Her Grace in making the event possible .

May we recall the following words of The Mother : No child of mine can be zero; in fact, each one of my children has his or her place and special mission to fulfil.

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