No Punishment for Children is a dream

Punishment free zone for children , conducive atmosphere for children to grow without fear , a child friendly home , school & society is still a dream for many children .Here are the honest words from children .We asked them not to write their name , school , village or any address to mention .And hence they came out with facts on the instruments that were used to punish them at home & children .It ranges from scolding to hand , different sticks , steel scale and even cooking long steel spoon etc .Don’t know if the society rejects the need of a punishment free environment for children by justifying that without giving physical & mental punishment growth was not possible .Would we be able to do the work on a file if our boss hits us with a hunter , could teach well if our school headmaster throws a duster on our face whenever we were slow in teaching .Don’t know ! Please don’t ask details of children who shared these brave words .Just introspect and find out if it was our own child who cries & objects secretly in the bathroom for the pain we gave him/her for his fault / no fault , incapacity / mistake .

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