Pragati to be honoured with Kyoto World Water Grand Prize 2022 at Senegal

As the entire globe celebrates the World Water Day 2022, Pragati starts its journey to participate in the 9th World Water Forum on 25th March at Dakar, Senegal as the Winner of the Kyoto World Water Grand Prize 2022. This is an honor for Pragati to represent Koraput in a Global Forum and speak to the international audience of the grass root experiences.

Pragati has been working for addressing the water related issues like awareness campaigns on water conservation and sustainable management of ground water resources, demonstration of soil and water conservation measures, rain water harvesting through farm ponds and dug wells, diversion based irrigation, propagation of water efficient crop production technologies, use of renewable energy for irrigation, increasing access to safe drinking water and promotion of aquaculture benefitting more than 50,000 rural households in South Odisha. These activities significantly contribute towards poverty reduction, gender equity and adaptation to climate change.

In addition to the intervention by Pragati in the field , the relevance of traditional practice like step cultivation by tribal communities would be highlighted in the global forum , Prabhakar Adhikari , secretary of Pragati said before leaving for Senegal today .

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