Protection of Nature Koraput is needed for a healthy Living

On the occasion of World health Day we talked to a few experts who have been working on thwe issues of environment . This year WHO too had given a slogan ” Our Health Our Planet” .

To learn in brief , Please Click Here to watch them in a report by ETV Bharat Odia

To Learn more from the speakers , Please go through the following Videos where these experts speak in more detail :

Here is what Prof.S.K.Palita , Expert on Bio-Diversity and the VC-in-charge of CUO , Koraput

Here is what Prabhakar Adhikari , Secretary of pragati , a leading organisation working on Land , Water and Forest in Koraput region and the recepient of World Water Award for 2022 :

Sushant Panda is a well known name in the field of Photography . He has worked in details on the nature of Birds in Koraput region . We also have talked to him in this regard to explore the relation of Birds with our Health :

Hope you have enjoyed going through our presentation . If you too have any words in this regard please share it in the comment page for us to get enriched .
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