Rise , Awake and Act Now

Dear friends ! Now after the defeat of BJD in the elections , people in general and even members of BJD itself are coming out openly with allegations of irrational governance by the set of people in the last government .Thanks to Media in Odisha ,  who despite of being blamed as Godi Media had been highlighting these irregularities from time to time .But the large section of think tank and intellectuals in the state barring a few  preferred to remain silent and also at times taking the side of the ill governance in  the unfortunate development in the state while been vocal against the union government alone .We need to realise that the nearest in the system of governance is more responsible for our well-being than the farther one .Our state is more  responsible for giving the best for us even by fighting with the union government  .Now when the government has changed , the common man , thinkers and intellectuals should raise their voice appropriately at the time of any  injustice being done to the Commons .There is no point in saying that the outgoing government was bad while not speaking when it was in government .Let’s rise , awake , think , respond and act for collective Justice .Our time begins NOW !

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