Vision Koraput 2029

An initiative to prepare a Five years’ Vision Document for Koraput and to take responsibility to work for its realisation was launched at Koraput this evening .To begin with we discussed various issues that affect Commons and collective development in the district .A brief document would be brought out on the basis of today’s discussion and would then be shared in public domain including various social media pages inviting more inputs before finalizing it .Then it will be shared with the newly elected people’s representative ( Five MLAs & Two MPs ) , administration , state & central government to take responsibilities as stakeholders of the initiative .The forum invites everyone in Koraput and outside ( common man , people’s representatives , government officials , NGOs , youth , businessmen & many more) to join the initiative and take some responsibility to make the dream come true .Let’s join hands for a better Koraput .We will share the initial points that were brought forward today . It’s a forum to take responsibilities without any portfolio , power & position .Let’s be proud of our Koraput . It’s time to give her back with gratitude .

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