When MLAs of Odisha could Put Pressure on AP to construct road in AP …

It has been said in Newspapers today that people of Kodama in AP had demanded for a road to connect Nanda-Phatusineri road in AP a year back . They had also approached Political leaders from Koraput district for support as thier village was adjacent to Kotia panchayat of Odisha . MLAs of Koraput district had come forward to lay foundation stone to start the road in AP from their own personal funds . And now after one year AP Government had come forward to construct that road . Now our question . If our MLAs could do it for the people of AP , why are they not doing so for the people of Koraput in Odisha when there are so many inaccessible pockets in the district which needed roads , livelihood , health care and education ! Could our MLAs come forward in this manner to start roads & other facilities for the inaccessible pockets in our state with their personal conrtribution as a pressure on the state government of Odisha to construct and extend facilities !

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